Rules and Regulations Concerning the Use Of Oversize Recreational Vehicles, Trailer Campers, Utility Trailers, Boat/Boat Trailer, Etc. at Harbor Cove:
To Be Effective May 15, 2004
The Board of Directors of the Harbor Cove Condominium Association hereby modifies the Previously Adopted general community rules in regard to the use of parking spaces at Harbor Cove. These rules apply to oversized recreational vehicles, trailer campers, utility trailers, boat/boat trailers, Etc
The Board of Directors defines the “Boat Storage” area as the area immediately West of the Tennis Courts and North of a line due West from said Tennis Court.
A. Oversized Recreational Vehicles, Trailer Campers, Utility Trailers
Are limited to no more than 24 hours on the Harbor Cove premises and shall not be parked in the area designated as boat Storage.
B. Unit owners Boat/Boat Trailer;
A unit owner may park no more than one properly identified boat/boat trailer in the spaces designated as the boat storage area at any time.
C. Owner Guest Vehicle
A guest (excluding renters) of a unit owner, who is not using the boat storage, may park one boat/boat trailer in the boat storage area during the time period of
October 1 – March 1 if space is available.
D. Renters;
Renters or their guests may not bring any vehicles on the property other than a
normal passenger car or pick-up truck at any time.
E. Illegally parked Vehicles
Any vehicle violating these rules will be towed at owner’s expense.
These general community rules were modified by the Board of Directors of the Harbor Cove Condominium Association to be effective May 15,2004
F. G. Rankin III
Suely Chiang